Welcome to Rails Girls Melbourne!
These guides are built to provide tools and a community to help you understand technology, learn to build web applications, and explore your own ideas.
If you need any help at any time, feel free to flag down one of our mentors who will be more than happy to help you.
Getting Started
Installing Ruby and Rails
To build apps and other things with Ruby on Rails, we'll need to setup some software and a development environment on your computer.
Build Your First App
Guide to building your first app with Ruby on Rails.
Push Your App to GitHub
Push your code to GitHub to give people access to it.
Extra Credit
Allow Comments on Your App
How to allow comments on your apps.
Apply a Modern Design with Bootstrap
How to apply a CSS framework, such as Bootstrap.
Resize your Images Using Carrierwave
Instructions on resizing your images using Carrierwave
Put Your App Online
Instructions to get your app running on the internet. We have a lot of platform. You can choose the following services:
Heroku | OpenShift | Engine Yard | anynines | Trucker | Shelly Cloud
Add Authentication with Devise
How to quickly add a login and signup with Devise
Add Profile Pics with Gravatar
How to give your users profile photos
Design your App with HTML and CSS
How to improve HTML and CSS on your app
Continuous Deployment
Test your application with RSpec | CD with Travis (and anynines) | CD with Codeship (and Heroku)
Build a voting app in Sinatra
Guide to building your first app using the Sinatra framework
Build a diary app in Ruby on Rails
Guide to building your first app using Ruby on Rails
Learning more with Rails Girls
How to Set Up Bundler for Development
Instructions for a development environment with Bundler.
Write a little game in Ruby!
Guide of Instructions for a game development with Ruby.
Web Fundamentals Tutorial
Get a deeper understanding of what's going on under the hood
Test Driven Development
Practice your Ruby skills while learning TDD
Ruby ATM
Focus on your Ruby skills - level 2!
Let's have more fun with Rails Girls
After The Event: How to Continue with Programming
A guide to keep you going with learning how to program.
Remote Pairing for the win!
Even if you can't find help locally, someone can still help you over the Internet.
Become a Rails Girls Coach
Answers to all your questions about being a Rails Girls coach - in one place.
Guide to the Guide of Rails Girls
Guide of background information about the Rails application.
Rails Girls around the world
An app built by Jessica to show RG around the world. Add your chapter!
Touristic Autism-friendly Spots App
Allow authenticated users (using devise) to describe touristic places, comment and rate them from their autism-friendliness. To support autistic adults during their travelling.